Sunday, April 22, 2007

Something’s Gotta Give

This has been my favorite post of all time. It started off well enough with the goal of furth trying to rehabilitate and reinvent the Casey Serin internet persona.

Debt. Finances. Blog. Foreclosure Site. Negativity. Haters. Details. Follow-through. Partnerships. Opportunities. Job. Book. Success story. Big deals. Crazy ideas. Passive income. Huge deals. Goals. Focus. Priorities. Marriage. Values. Faith. Purpose. Progress. Time. Finances. Finances. Finances…

The pressure of it all is getting to be too much.

Wow, that's some deep introspective stuff. Nevermind it was followed up with typical Casey non-action responses, but at least the photo was well-staged. It represents what clearly goes on in Casey's mind. "As long as I give a certain appearance, people will buy it."

Well Casey, you haven't been contrite over your life the past couple years, you haven't taken a single action to get yourself out of this mess, you just keep stalling, stalling, stalling. Enough is enough, we all get you're lazy and only want to scheme to make money.

Then this post turned into something wonderful, over 450 comments before censorship. The entire string can be found here. This thread in it's uncensored glory shows what Casey's site is all about, the audience. People realize Casey is doomed, whether personally or legally, but the fun is in the intelligence and creativity of the audience.

After the censorship, Casey leaves us with the threat of going away.

This whole thing is getting to be too much. Maybe I’ll sell the blog/domain, maybe I’ll keep it and take on a partner to handle the management of this thing, maybe I’ll put some systems in place to make it more efficient. Either way, I have too many opportunities, and big deals in the works. The blog brings awesome opportunities and connections and there are ways to monetize the traffic that I was just starting to do. I would also love to help people in foreclosure.
Everyone knows you won't close the blog down, you have no other opportunities to come up with another scheme to get rich quick. Just know that we'll be waiting for when the site comes back up to remind you of how you honestly need to change your life and stop doing stuff like this email you send to your family and friends. Pretending you've changed isn't the same as actual change. How embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

If our snowflake is starting to buckle under pressure, imagine what will happen when the real problems start:

Debt collectors enter Y's place and seize goods

The Jetta is seized and sold

Casey is evicted from Y's place (Galina stays)

Casey gets arrested and goes to prison.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is a photo so full of pathos and real human misery, it almost made me weep.

This is a photo of the hobbit who has learned that he cannot afford an illegal immigrant day-laborer and has realized he will now have to go clean his own swimming pool.

Breakin' my freakin' heart, 'tis.
