Friday, June 8, 2007

The Book, Publisher, LossMIT & Galina

Well, the good news about Casey being back is that more photoshop inspiration is just around the corner... the best line of the post is:

The publisher understands my personal issues but a contract is a contract.
Casey, victim of blog rape, is forced to put his blog back up due to the "contract" with the Publisher. As it's been pointed out in various comment, I think we can now safely assume that this isn't a major publisher.

My guess is that the "publisher" is nothing more than another one of these idiot gurus Casey seems to lust after more than his wife. Maybe it's that advertiser who pulled a Casey and wrote a book. I agree with what some folks have said about having this NDA with a publisher... this makes no sense for something that isn't guru related. These gurus seem to love this NDA shit and threatening law suits.

Onto the book, can someone tell me what this is going to be about? The Casey saga is only interesting because of the Haterz, some of whom have done some serious investigation of details. The interesting Casey story is already online, for free and is more truthful than something Casey would try to concoct on his own (see the letter to his friends trying to scam them into saving his ass) .

Casey sure is addicted to the attention isn't he. Giving up a promise to wife, family and friends for a book that won't sell. Well done sir!

Since contracts are fluid, I think Casey bringing the site back up frees me up from my promise to back off of Galina. She's either rooting for this book thing or just a total spineless wench who let's her man walk all over her and her family. So what could a little photoshop fun hurt the poor girl?
On a final note, I like the LossMIT posts, but you can't say you weren't warned. The anonanigels that are attacking him are really lame.


Akubi said...


flailing forward said...

Some of the LMP attackers are lame, but most of them have valid points. He came into this as one cocky SOB, and his motives were never clear. Even now, I have trouble believing he was as selflessly well-meaning as he claims. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's evil or anything, just that he's no saint. And his itchy lawsuit trigger finger is seriously dumb. I especially liked when he insinuated legal action against that one attacker for quoting his own words back to him. My guess on Galina is that she's consulting a divorce attorney even as I type.

Anonymous said...

Galina filing and getting a divorce is part of the contract casey signed with the publisher. He needs that twist and turn to make the book more interesting. Have a "stand by your man" wife sells only so many books. The failure of a marriage, living in the vdubs, hate and anger of his family will sell way more copies.

Anonymous said...

notice that IAFF is now plastered with google adsense ads..

he was kicked out of the program by google 6 months ago for massive clickfraud.. he even posted the letters.

he admitted clicking on his own ads and telling his fans to click on them as well.. that is a PERMANENT banning offense.

yet somehow, the day his blog comes back up, he's back in the program?