Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Run! Casey Run!

While much of the speculation over at EN as to why Casey made this odd trip is entertaining, my feeling is that Casey, being who he is, decided months ago his marriage was holding him back from this success and was looking for a way to force Galina to actually break things off. I don't know if all the buzz about Galina talking to divorce lawyers is true, I hope it is, the girl needs to get out of this show because it ain't ending all that well.

Anyways, Casey is a monumental pussy and keeps pulling shit like this because he's not a real man and can't end it to her face. What a slug move, box your wife into a corner and then act like you were betrayed.

Some more things in no particular order:

  • Marty Stewart, man of action, jumping into action to attempt to erase his persona from the Internets. Why would someone delete so many sites if they were legit businessman? From all appearances, after burning so many legit opportunities, Casey signs on with someone who at best appears to be a guru on gaming Adsense and at worst someone who sells info on clickfraud. Well played once again Casey!
  • Maybe it's just me, but one disturbing recurring theme is once burned by Casey (or semi-burned in Nigel's case?) Why does everyone feel the need to say how intelligent Casey really is. I'm sorry, but being personable and manipulative is what I see which isn't the same thing.
  • I would love to hear the background on how Casey got played on Goldspring.
  • Calling yourself a businessman/entrepreneur doesn't make it so, no matter how many times you say/type it.
  • The core group of Haterz is a pretty interesting bunch, I think i'm at best on the fringes with Flailing who mostly prefers to crack jokes from the sidelines, but there are some other really fascinating folks who either take the detective stuff to amazing ends and those who are so compassionate to Galina. Casey's saga is all about the audience, not the subject.


Nigel's Guest Blogger said...

Oh yeah, one more thing... who the fuck poses for pictures like Casey has somehow grown fond of doing... "no, this one isnt quite right, let me stick my head out the window a little bit more"

What are the odds that the "book deal" is off? i'm giving it even money right now.

Akubi said...

Murst to say Murst!
Yeah, I was wondering who is now in charge of taking his Australia photos.
Another scary Casey Art achievement, btw.

Anonymous said...

seing as he only got a 1 way ticket... i wonder exactly how he plans on getting back home?
Perhaps his awesome plan is to make that sweet cash for some killer airfare whilst blogging? or just let his visa expire and force the Aussies to eject him into the pacific so he can float home.

Lou Minatti said...

I used to have the hots for Franke Potente and you just killed it for me. When I see her in the future I'll see Snowflake instead. Thanks very much!

Nigel's Guest Blogger said...

hahaha sorry, I too am getting concerned more and more about my frequent attempts to work Casey into something hot...though Nigel is kinda hotter in this one...

It's still a great movie.

Anonymous said...

And you can bring your man bag too. It zips up so that you can run to catch people, or run away from people.

JohnDiddler said...

isn't a one-way ticket to immigration trouble the perfect metaphor for debt spending.

Anonymous said...

Why do you guys hate Casey so much?

Don't forget my Casey Supporterz Fight Back! Talkcast this Friday June 15 5PM EST: