Saturday, June 2, 2007

Sixty Second Psychoanalysis

So I finally listened to the first half of last night's fraudcast. In an effort to cleanse your minds of the image below, we'll take a quick look at Nigel's call. Much like his Blog Empire, Nigel really says a lot of nothing, even in RL apparently.

The Is-It-All-Good-Off was a bit funny, but Nigel is that one guy at every party you go to who spends most time in the kitchen nursing his Smirnoff Ice, keeping his pleather coat on regardless that it's ninety degrees, that you hope you can pretty much avoid talking to all night. Right? He's the guy who's a friend-of-a-friend who has to get into party debates with everyone to prove his smarts. You inevitably end up just walking away mid-conversation asking "Who is that guy"... which is usally followed up with an apology from the dude who brought him "sorry, he just showed up" is the typical response.


Anonymous said...

perhaps. he didn't say enough for me to form a solid opinion. he just kept woogling. i remember his weasely check-on-content. one either has best interests at heart, or not, but usually it's quite clear which side they're on. with Nigel, as we know, weaseling in is his mode. now he's trying to court the direct adverisers, as Casey's only viable web ally. SELL IT, AXE EFFECT!

flailing forward said...

Yes, but you forget that the only parties he goes to are Olympic pin parties. And he's like a deity at those.

Were you aware that he met Lenny Kravitz's second cousin? I swear to god.

Akubi said...

Barack Obama is SWEET!
Murst to say murst, btw.

Aspeth said...

Great parallel on the "guy at the party." Nigel Swaby is so That Guy.

Who the fuck brought That Guy?

What the fuck was That Guy talking about?

Why the hell is That Guy looking at me like that?

When is That Guy going to leave?

I need a drink refill, but That Guy is camped out in the kitchen.

Dude, That Guy is the definition of "blowing it."

Akubi said...

As a non-driver and sad participant in non-creative geeky sources of income, I must confess I may have been the "guy" who brought one of those Nigel's in the kitchen nursing his Smirnoff.

flailing forward said...

I picture Nigeypoo as more of a Zima guy.