Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Meet Casey's Sponsor...Rich Rooskie

One of Casey's latest sponsors, Rich Rooskie, created of a self-proclaimed online empire (in actuality one of thousands of e-commerce storefronts... requires ColdFusion... GREAT choice in technology there Rich).

Rich has blessed us with his presence not just to sponsor Casey, but a closer look let's us see Rich's true reason for being here. To try and fill the gap left when Nigel went AWOL. Looking at the soon to be classic "In Defense of Casey Serin" post we get such insider nuggets as:

His position in the aforesaid properties is upside-down, of course, hence the "casualty" label. Upside down means that the properties aren't worth what he owes on them, for the most part. So far, he has lost something like six properties to foreclosure.
He is variously portrayed as the poster child of greed, excess, lawlessness and a host of other character flaws by a bunch of critics whose combined net worth probably doesn't exceed Casey's monthly mortgage.
I for one, am impressed beyond measure with the kid's courage and resolve.
To his credit, Casey is actually planning to fully repay his debts and forge ahead. He mulls the idea of writing a book, but feels like he needs a turnaround before that idea is justified.

But, he has qualities that I would give my eye teeth to possess, and they are qualities that are worth a small fortune in the marketplace. Yes, if I were Donald Trump, I would be interviewing this young man.

So Casey, look for that book deal now. You can expect a nice advance in the hundred thousand dollar range or better, and what's more, you won't have to write a word. The right publisher will come along and offer you a "ghost writer".
It's clear from the post that we've got another get-rich-quick-camrade-in-arms here... more impressively, he might be the first graduate from the Nigel Swaby School of Paraphrasing. Keep looking for those hundreds of thousands in royalty advances there Casey, this guy says they're coming.


Akubi said...


Lost Cause said...

Ooohh...it does graphics, like pie charts. I am drooling.