Thursday, May 31, 2007
We Win.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:50 PM
Labels: casey serin, failures, goodbye, nigel swaby, nigel swaby isn't very smart, sweet media
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Hey Advertisers (Bruce?) and Casey's Bro.
If you want to listen to Casey's emotionless conversation with his brother, someone posted clips here:
Bruce, if you're out there lurking, i'd be curious to hear how you thought of that. You seem to be a spiritual person (which I do have respect for the people who's faith is truly strong, no bashing from this agnostic).
But as a Christian, how do you respond to Casey's complete lack of emotion towards his family? Is web traffic really a fair exchange for supporting someone who apparently doesn't truly care for the people hurting around him?
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:36 AM
Labels: bruce d collins, casey serin, fraud
Friday, May 25, 2007
Casey Serin is a Sad, Sad Disgrace.
In case you missed this week's fraudcast, Casey's brother called in and made a pretty passionate plea for Casey to change his actions and situation. He basically called Casey out as embarrassing the family, failing his wife and having no backing from his dad or either of his brothers.
Casey, in true psychopath form had zero emotions or reactions to a family member calling in with such a plea. In a pretty telling moment, he even tried to put his bro on hold.
This guy is a complete fucker who cares about noone but himself. I won't make any more jokes about Galina, whether she's complict in this or not, I think it's the fair thing to do .
Casey needs some professional help for sure, but not regarding finances, but regarding his humanity. He's ruined his life, not that anyone really cares at this point, but he's brought some folks that sound nice down with him.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
9:15 PM
Labels: casey serin, disgrace, failures, psychopath
Character Background and What's Left?
As Casey becomes more boring as he tries to become this great "irritainer/internet beggar" and the saga begins to lose our attention, I do have a couple of questions for the pieces that are still interesting to me.
Can someone provide a link or background to who MBA Tim is/was? It's been mentioned a few times but i've never been able to find anything specific as to what he said/did here.
Same with Homey DA Clown... his cryptic comments on Aygg Sooper Nation are always very interesting... what, if anything do we know about him? I hope his comments turn into something as interesting as what I think most of us are thinking...
Duane's story is still good in my opinion, I suspect many of the Haterz just feel more right about what they've said all along. It's just funny to see Casey truly fuck up a great opportunity and imagine how many more there were in the past 6 months just like this.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
4:34 PM
Labels: casey serin, duane legate, fliptard
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Eraser
First Nigel's photo disappears... now looking at his profile what else is missing?! Foreclosure Avoiders... GONE! Stuff for sale in SLC....GONE!
Please stop by and leave Nigel a note with your fond memories of our boy .
I'm sure someone else at Egg Super Nation caught this earlier, but I haven't had time to catch up on all the goings on lately! But please, show Nigel your support, leave him a comment!
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
8:15 PM
Labels: nigel swaby, paraphrase, pins
Regression Toward the Mean
I have a friend in the building where I work that I sometimes run into while taking a break on the roof. A nice guy, works in Investment, recently moved to the area.
At some point we started chatting about housing and he let me know that he too was a renter. Why I asked? He proceeded to basically rattle off a number of things that sounded suspiciously like what the Realtors are now calling "negative press."
In all of this, he mentioned he's renting now because things will eventually revert back to the norms so there's no point buying right now. Before I phased out, he tried to teach me some deeper economic things, but I got distracted by some pigeons or something.
Anyways, I think his point was that over time things will almost certainly revert back to form over time, they go up they come back down.
Casey's finally reverting back to his historical mean. We've found out over the past few months Casey's fondness for various pyramid schemes, scams and other get-rich-quick efforts. But a couple years ago, Casey took all his money to Vegas and sat down at the 100/200 NL table. Turns out he was a GF and has been spanked. Facing foreclosure...blah blah blah... we got some interesting, unintentional nuggets from him in his posts, he got some sweet media...blah blah...
Now that the story is over and Casey's blown the true opportunities that might have come his way, this is what's left of the train wreck? Begging... err, I mean asking for sponsorships and nickle and dime freelance work? I don't doubt that Casey blew off some real opportunities the last few months, but his penchant for postponement has left him here. Hoping to make a few hundred a week. WELL PLAYED! Any bets as to if the Cnet/MSN stuff is the last article we see about our young friend?
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:05 PM
Labels: casey serin, fliptard
Called Out By Hulk Hogan Wannabe
After admitting how nostalgic Bruce's web site(s) made me feel, Bruce decides to call me (and the Haterz out).
There’s actually a blog called “what Casey means to say.” You mean to say that someone spends their time critiquing this website because…(?!?)… they desparately need a girlfriend, perhaps? This guy over there uses the blogspot template and then reviews other websites. What a moron.SWEEEEEET PUBLICITY. Uh Bruce, you might want to reconsider the attack on a default, but well designed, web site template.
However, even the biggest cynic would have to admit- what he has done with this website and the publicity he has garnered- was proof of his genius.Uh, ok Bruce, if you think at least a decade of a wrecked credit report, breaking the law, amassing hundreds of thousands in debt (growing every day!) in exchange for publicity genius, more power to you, I guess we'll agree that what we want out of life are entirely different.
In Cali, we call you people ‘rubber neckers’, no where to go but sit there and gawk.Thanks for that colorful, regional colloquialism. Here on the east coast we just call them Watchy and Standy Loos.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
6:58 PM
Labels: bruce d collins, casey serin, sweet media, wrestling
Meet Casey's Sponsor...Rich Rooskie
One of Casey's latest sponsors, Rich Rooskie, created of a self-proclaimed online empire (in actuality one of thousands of e-commerce storefronts... requires ColdFusion... GREAT choice in technology there Rich).
Rich has blessed us with his presence not just to sponsor Casey, but a closer look let's us see Rich's true reason for being here. To try and fill the gap left when Nigel went AWOL. Looking at the soon to be classic "In Defense of Casey Serin" post we get such insider nuggets as:
His position in the aforesaid properties is upside-down, of course, hence the "casualty" label. Upside down means that the properties aren't worth what he owes on them, for the most part. So far, he has lost something like six properties to foreclosure.
He is variously portrayed as the poster child of greed, excess, lawlessness and a host of other character flaws by a bunch of critics whose combined net worth probably doesn't exceed Casey's monthly mortgage.
I for one, am impressed beyond measure with the kid's courage and resolve.
To his credit, Casey is actually planning to fully repay his debts and forge ahead. He mulls the idea of writing a book, but feels like he needs a turnaround before that idea is justified.It's clear from the post that we've got another get-rich-quick-camrade-in-arms here... more impressively, he might be the first graduate from the Nigel Swaby School of Paraphrasing. Keep looking for those hundreds of thousands in royalty advances there Casey, this guy says they're coming.
But, he has qualities that I would give my eye teeth to possess, and they are qualities that are worth a small fortune in the marketplace. Yes, if I were Donald Trump, I would be interviewing this young man.
So Casey, look for that book deal now. You can expect a nice advance in the hundred thousand dollar range or better, and what's more, you won't have to write a word. The right publisher will come along and offer you a "ghost writer".
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
6:43 PM
Labels: advertisers, casey serin, clowns, rich rooskie
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Welcome to CaseyPedia™
Have you recently become aware of the Casey Serin Personality Web 2.0 Marketing phenomenon? Are you trying to get a handle on the body of myth and lore which has grown up around IAFF? Do you ask yourself if Butterfly is the East Coast Mentor? What's with the Utah payment? Does the Blue Ball have a deeper meaning? WTF is zewg? Etc. etc.™?
Then CaseyPedia - the inofficial repository of all Snowflake-related knowledge - is for you. Itsallgood™
Currently CaseyPedia is work-in-progress, but Good Things Are Happening™ and we are on course to become the leading semi-satirical wiki about foreclosure blogs. No Wikinazi's here!
Why not enjoy a random page or two today?
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
5:34 PM
Labels: casey serin, casey serin scam archive, caseypedia
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Meet Casey's Sponsor... Bruce D. Collins
It's not begging if you call it something else... well played Mr. Serin.
Let's take a quick look at one of Casey's new Foreclosure Avoidance Experts that will help Casey follow is true path to helping people out. Click here (will open in new window), you have to see this.
Holy shit, someone needs to update their site design from 1996. Maybe this is what Casey is going to do for Bruce. The good thing for us, everything on this page is clickable... if you hunt around a little bit, you can end up here (the second index page, will open in new window).
Ahhh, nothing like a page with faux glass cube things in the background.
I guess Bruce might be a hunter or something? I don't know, I get the feeling the Big Finale isn't about some variety show.Hunting around the page a bit more, there's another clickable graphic that brings you to the third index/home page (new window again). This is some sophisticated conceptual site architecture, most sites only use one... or maybe two home pages if they're pushing it... this genius trumps us all with 3!
Ahhh, Bruce looks like he uses wrestling as a metaphor to teach us how to avoid foreclosure. Sheriff coming to take your house? Whack him with a metal chair to the back of the head! I love it!
Finally, I think i've found the one, true home page here (new window). Please stand and remove your hats while on this page.
Oooooh, real quick, let's check Bruce's mood. All these homepages are making me tired. Good he's happy today.
I can't really bust on Bruce too much, his retro website(s) made me happy.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
5:14 PM
Labels: bruce d collins, casey serin, sponsor
Consequences, LeWaterGate and Shades of Grey
Wow, that was a pretty telling flopcast last night. Duane's appearance recalled the old days when Bob Hope would do a walk-on during Johnny Carson's show... ok, maybe not. But there are some pretty interesting things to think about as Casey continues to troll with his latest strategy of a week-by-week cliffhanger.
First, as I posted earlier, it was stunning to hear the monotone way young Casey would adopt when talking about his loving wife. "She's a good person, smart....beep." Compared to Mr. LeGate and other callers it was very striking the complete lack of passion the boy had towards his wife. Duane has posted his tale and during the call you could really believe the value this guy puts on his home and family life.
Second, there was an interesting exchange with one of the callers about Casey's sponsors, one being a payday loan outfit. During this brief exchange, Casey showed at least glimpses of emotion probably because it is his dear sponsor. Legally I suppose payday loans can exist (although it seems like their getting more scrutiny lately, but I really don't know that much about that), but I don't think most people view this type of service as particularly beneficially to society, it's a totally predatory industry. Personally, I think it's pretty pretty unethical and bad karma to operate something like this.
During that exchange the caller seemed to try to question how a sponsor like that fits into Casey's "dream" of helping people with foreclosure. Playing devil's advocate, you could imagine some responses like "sometimes people are backed into a corner and have nowhere else to turn to, family and friends can't help them out and if they're able to pay before the terms inflate it could bail some people out... blah blah blah"... Casey's response was something like "if someone wants a loan you don't think they should get a loan?" The child completely missed any moral implications to that, so much for being a good Christian.
This brings me back to something Duane said repeatedly especially during the exhange where Duane and Casey were talking about another chance Duane offered Casey. "Casey, I deal in black & white you deal in many shades of grey" or something like that. I totally disagree with Duane on this point, there is no black or white or many shades of grey for Casey. His life, morals and ethics (are they different?) is one big blah shade of grey. There are is no right or wrong in his life, things are just there.
I'm sure many people have made this point before so i'm not trying to pull a Nigel here, but what went off in my head listening to this is that Casey is really a Sociopath or even a Psychopath. From wikipedia once again:
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV, a widely used manual for diagnosing mental and behavioral disorders, defines antisocial personality disorder as a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:Psychopaths:
- failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
- deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
- impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
- irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
- reckless disregard for safety of self or others
- consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain steady work or honor financial obligations
- lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another
The manual lists the following additional necessary criteria:
- The individual is at least 18 years of age.
- There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
- The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode.
Diagnostic criteria (ICD-10)
Chapter V of the tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases offers a set of criteria for diagnosing the related construct of dissocial personality disorder.
Dissocial Personality Disorder (F60.2), usually coming to attention because of a gross disparity between behavior and the prevailing social norms, and characterized by:
- callous unconcern for the feelings of others;
- gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations;
- incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them;
- very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence;
- incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment;
- marked proneness to blame others, or to offer plausible rationalizations, for the behavior that has brought the patient into conflict with society.
There may also be persistent irritability as an associated feature. Conduct disorder during childhood and adolescence, though not invariably present, may further support the diagnosis.
Now our boy hasn't threatened suicide as far as we know... oops, I suppose we've been threatened by the death of the Internet's Most Hated Blogger unless we do some leg work and figure out how to get Casey $1000 a week.Cleckley defined psychopathy thus:[23]
It has been shown that punishment and behavior modification techniques do not improve the behavior of a psychopath. They have been regularly observed to respond to both by becoming more cunning and hiding their behavior better.
- 1. Superficial charm and above average intelligence.
- 2. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking.
- 3. Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations.
- 4. Unreliability.
- 5. Untruthfulness and insincerity.
- 6. Lack of remorse or shame.
- 7. Antisocial behavior without apparent compunction.
- 8. Poor judgment and failure to learn from experience.
- 9. Pathological egocentricity and incapacity to love.
- 10. General poverty in major affective reactions.
- 11. Specific loss of insight.
- 12. Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations.
- 13. Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink, and sometimes without.
- 14. Suicide threats rarely carried out.
- 15. Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated.
- 16. Failure to follow any life plan.
Duane was spot on with his rationale to "out' Casey. I think he's really trying a bit of "tough love" with the young fliptard. The problem is, if Casey is as disturbed as he might actually be, he won't feel anything.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
11:04 AM
Labels: casey serin, duane legate, failures, fliptard, sociopath
Friday, May 18, 2007
Casey and Galina
Listening to the show tonight it's pretty striking how when Casey talks about Trampolina there's absolutley no difference in the tone when he talks about other material things.
In fact, the one moment he talked about how she took his credit card away he definitely had more passion and longing in his voice for the corporate credit card.
Quite the love affair.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
9:30 PM
Labels: casey serin, fliptard, fliptardette, galina
Nigel's Cold Shoulder
Pinz isn't gone, he's just ignoring us. Peeking in at the SLC blog we see Nigel's back and with a vengenance! In an abbreviated (312 words) post he now tells us CONDOS might be the thing we're all looking for. After all, Salt Lake City is running out of land!
First time home buyers often fear the repair and maintenance obligations a home brings. There are constant chores like cleaning out the gutters, raking leaves, mowing the lawn and shovelling snow. A condo or townhouse offers the financial benefits of ownership, plus the pride of ownership without many of these maintenance chores.Plus those great condo fees! It's like owning a home and renting at the same time!
Owning your first home can be intimidating and exciting. By choosing condo living for the first home you can get a chance to see what it's like without the hassles of routine maintenance.Hmmm... the maintenance theme once again... I never realized how much mowing the lawn really does get in the way of my life. He might be on to something here.
For first time home buyers, condos present tremendous opportunities to find out what home ownership is about without having to make the same financial or upkeep commitments a small house would have.You're right! While technically my condo fees are a financial commitment, they are different than a house with actual property. Now these upkeep commitments, i'm guessing they are the same as those dreadful routine maintenance tasks. I'm still listening...
Sure, the condo owner is responsible for picking up inside the unit and the minor plumbing and electrical problems that are bound to occur, but those tend to be one time shots and can often be repaired cheaply by the budding do-it-yourselfer or a quick call to the local handy-person.What the fuck? You just told me i'd be free of routine and life-ruining maintenance here. When I rent and my tub clogs my landlord takes care of that and keeps the grounds nice. What gives?!
Way to go Nigel, in a failing housing market push the worst type of property you can...the one that depreciates the fastest and has additional monthly fees subject to change, to assure that you "never own" the place.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:55 PM
Labels: brokertard, nigel swaby, nigel swaby isn't very smart
Game Show Friday.
Prospective employers, who would you rather hire...
Or the Unabomber?
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:26 PM
Labels: casey serin, fliptard
LeWaterGate: The 18-Comment Gap
Ok, well it's not 18 comments, but it's hard making Watergate comparisons.
I've posted about 3-4 comments politely asking for Casey's response on Duane opening up over at EN, some with links to EN some with just the abbreviation.
While all my other comments remain, the questions about Mr. LeGate just keep disappearing.
Wonder what Tricky Casey is afraid of? He was being oh-so-honest on the blog lately too.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:22 AM
Labels: casey serin, duane legate, lewatergate
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Death Pool
I've occassionally thought who will be the first to go? Casey or Nigel? Although Casey doesn't really seem to have those IT skills he boasted once paid him a cool $30k (or was that $50k) long ago, I really think Nigel will be the first one to mysteriously disappear.
Casey is a small-time scammer who got spanked at the higher-stakes table. Back to Amway and bird-dogging future failures. He can probably eek out another half year living on a few hundred bucks a month the ads will bring him. His big win in life was selling a condo his parents helped him buy (right?). Whoa, a mogul in the making. Everything from that point on has been failure. So he'll draft up his pamphlet and maybe scrape in a another few hundred.
Now Nigel, who's always been a more interesting character to me, is in for a more rapid descent here. Timed entry into the housing bubble pretty well, probably made some nice money in a short amount of time. But Nigel wants more. Aspiring web journalist, wanna be entrepreneur, failed partner of Casey. Nigel does seem to think he's superior in most ways to most people. Regardless of how many people point out the flaws in his economic arguments, etc. etc. Nigel is unaffected. He's taking link-whoring and free blog-site entrepreneurship to the extreme.
The mortgage, and all of housing, business is undergoing changes that will be around for years. When the .com bubble burst, sure there were some people telling you to buy, buy, buy the NASDAQ at 3500, 3000, 2500... same with Nigel, keep pitching for that falling knife.
There are serious affordability issues in the housing market and the jobs that were created (like in the .com bubble) are going away. Soon that pressure and reality will catch up with Nigel and when it does, I predict he will finally push that delete key.
So what's the predictions? I'm asking my loyal viewer (that's right Akubi, i mean you). I think Nigel delete's himself sometime around August. Though what Mr. LeGate reveals has to be causing Nigel the tremors, so it coud happen much quicker, but i'll stick with August. Casey will keep trying for sweet media for much longer.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
8:50 PM
Labels: brokertard, casey serin, fliptard, nigel swaby
Foreclosure Assistance Site: Phase I
Let's take a look at Casey's Foreclosure Assistance site so far:
- No hints, tips, tricks for people facing foreclosure in the last 4 posts. They all just seem to be about the recent articles about Casey. Maybe that's part of the self-help component. Read about Casey, take up German to improve yourself and your ability to be foreclosed in the global economy.
- Let's see.... oh wait, Casey has added a new Recommended Links section! There are 4 links, these should help me avoid foreclosure.
- Austin realtard... well, ok, I guess a Real Estate Broker could help me avoid foreclosure with a short sale or something, I don't know, i've never been foreclosed before. Thank god this Housing Bubble is almost over, the Realtards tell me we're in a long cycle of stabilization now. Soon my ghetto shack will be worth over 1/2 mil.
- Online mortgage... cool they offer 40-year fixed rate, interest only or negative amortization loans... that should help me out if i refi into a 40 year mortgage and end up in the same position after paying some fees. This might help! sweet.
- Credit Repair/Bankruptcy help... well cool, I better start working on my credit rating sooner rather than later. I don't want to be in this hole long. Pretty official looking site, sound good so far! Holy shit, what the F is this, I clicked on order and apparently they think i'm hard of sight all of the sudden... why are they yelling at me. Why am I at a different site? The Credit Secrets Bible... I can be in debt and still be Christian, cool.
- Payday loans up to $500?! Are you fucking kidding me?
From wikipedia:The Defense Department called the lending "predatory", and military officers cited concerns that payday lending exacerbated soldier's financial challenges, jeopardized security clearances, and even interfered with deployment schedules to Iraq.
Critics counter that most borrowers find themselves in a worse position when the loan is due than they were when they took the loan, with many getting trapped in a cycle of debt.
Statistics show that the majority of the industry's profit comes from repeat borrowers, who are unable to pay them off on the due date and instead repeatedly renew their loans, paying fees each time.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
8:04 AM
Labels: casey serin, failures, fliptard
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Game On!
While Nigel sits in his corner pouting (and stealing Rob Dawg's comments with his super James Blah 000 skillz) LeWaterGate has begun over at EN, Mr. LeGate's comments start here, so go read it's already very interesting grout between the tiles of Casey's failure.
What's funny about Nigel's whining is that he can't really understand the motivation for someone to tell the truth... go figure.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
10:38 PM
Labels: casey serin, duane legate, exurban nation, lewatergate
LeWaterGate: The Movie
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:51 PM
Labels: brokertard, casey serin, fliptard, lewatergate, nigel swaby
To be honest, I don't really know who Duane is. I guess this whole thing happened before I found the Cult of Casey. If someone could post the background of this story here, I'm still trying to patch it together from EN, it would be appreciated.
I am however really looking forward to a timeline of events backed up with the email exchanges. What are you hoping for? Me, I already am fixed in my thinking of what Casey is (*cough* scammer *cough* will be facing charges before 2008 *cough*) but what my hopes are is that Nigel's little desperate attempts of glomming onto this whole mess is particularly embarrassing.
His post over at DHC is particularly hostile for Nigel who usually tries to write like he's "above all of us" with his condescending nature. Maybe its a precursor of what embarrassing nuggets he might be having to deal with shortly.
A boy can dream.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:22 PM
Labels: casey serin, duane legate, lewatergate, nigel swaby
Nigel Swaby, Super Spy
Trying to either insert himself into, or try to get ahead of the upcoming embarrassment of the Duane LeWaterGate scandal, super spy Nigel Swaby posts a plethora of comments lifted from Exurban Nation.
Whats funniest about this post is the fact that Nigel uses to try and "cover his tracks."
"I can't let those rascal Haterz know that I'm addicted to them, so i'll use a free proxy service! DAMN! I'M THE MOTHER FUCKIN' SEO KING AND PROXY PRIME MINISTER"
Might want to work on those cut & paste skillz. Don't worry Nigel, we all know you can't avoid the mention of your name. You're kind of like Candyman in that regard.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:13 PM
Labels: nigel swaby, nigel swaby isn't very smart
Meet Casey's Sponsor, Joe Cline... Realtard.
I'm not quite sure what a reputable broker would be doing advertising on an admitted mortgage fraudsters web site. Its a sad state when the bottom line is web traffic regardless of who you are endorsing.Not Your Average Joe (Graduate of the Nigel Swaby School of Marketing) Responds:
Get a grip. I’m not endorsing him or I’d have a link to his site on mine. Anyway, his site is very informative.A match made in heaven, I guess we have to wait a little longer until the glut of Realtards is thinned out. But I guess Joe's comment makes sense seeing the general intelligence levels of the flippers, mortgage brokers and other realtards that think that houses ALWAYS APPRECIATE!
Good luck Joe.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
6:45 PM
Labels: austin, austin real estate, casey serin, fliptard, joe cline, realtard
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Coming Soon at EN....
Poor Casey,
The walls sure are closing in quickly. Duane LeGate is going to be dishing some of the inside skinny on his dealings with Casey over at Exurban Nation, so stay tuned over there. Wow, today has really seemed to reinvigorate the Haterz.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
9:00 PM
Labels: casey serin, exurban nation
From Foreclosed to Boring in 120 Days
Our boy Casey has just about run out of moves as the end approaches. As the cnet article pointed out,
Serin seems to enjoy spacing them out in a way that will vex his readers the most. “What happens is I feed off of it,” he said. “I know the buttons to press to get those guys going. After awhile, you learn what topics you can mention if you want to get extra comments on your post.”I wonder if Casey really does think he's outwitted everyone at every step along the way. Before January or so, Casey was a lovable train-wreck, he couldn't help but shoot himself in the foot. As the houses were foreclosed there seemed like little left here, Casey stopped telling the truth, he wasn't honest with the audience and we just started entertaining ourselves. Some of us by just reminding everyone what a scammer Casey is.
Now there's no more houses, no more money, no more hope. So we get these really sad troll posts with nuggets like todays:
Speaking of traffic and exposure (and haters)… my wife wants me to shut the blog down. She has had enough and she has very valid points. So I have a very hard decision to make. I will save that for another post.Casey just backed himself in a corner. If the blog is miraculously "saved" it'll just reinforce the idea that it's gone from auto-biographical (if not deluded) to complete fiction. The blog won't come down, Casey has nothing else. Where else can poor, struggling homebuyers get the upcoming How To Avoid Foreclosure pamphlet?
Sorry Casey, you're a little late to your own party. You really could have cashed out on some level if you didn't insist to keep trying knuckleheaded schemes with the likes of Nigel and PRlink ladies and the sort. Now you have no story left and most people aren't really interested in you and your wife enough to make this last much longer.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
4:18 PM
Labels: casey serin, failures, fliptard, fliptardette, galina, trampolina
Let's All Sing Along!
We establish targeted closing dates about the time of your Pre-drywall Tour.
We do this so you can plan the details of your move.
However, since we depend on many different trades, suppliers, and inspectors, and build out in the elements, there are things beyond our control that may affect these dates; for example: labor and material shortages, back-ordered components, city inspection backlogs, and inclement weather.
In the event of a delay, we will notify you as soon as we become informed.
Flail, you missed the first two verses!
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
2:03 PM
Labels: flailing forward, gold medallion homes, nigel swaby
Casey's Smarter Than The Rest of Us
"I know the buttons to press to get those guys going. After awhile, you learn what topics you can mention if you want to get extra comments on your post."Casey Serin, puppet-master. People have been posting for months about how transparent Casey's troll-baiting has become. The funniest moment was the day he opened up comments, otherwise Casey seems to be one of the few who's bought his own hype and now he believes that he's really good at "playing" the hater crowd.
We have the 4th or 5th "I need a plan" post in as many months. Yawn.
Well Casey I hope that you're getting a couple hundred a month off the ads, it won't be 100k, but 9-10k passive income should really support you pretty well when you're back home with mom and pop.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
12:09 PM
Labels: casey serin, fliptard, scam
Nigel Swaby's Golden Shower
Our boy Nigel has seemingly moved on to yellow-greener pastures. It seems he's now working with the fine folks over at Gold Medallion Homes. What the fuck is up with the level of marketing prowess in Utah. Integrity First, Gold Medallion... is there a chapter on cheap cliches in the Mormon bible or something?
Why, at this point, someone would want the "publicity baggage" that Nigel brings with him is beyond me. Karma will prove out that not all publicity is good publicity. Good luck Gold Medallion Homes, enjoy the benefits of someone who's judgement leaves him moments away from going into business with Casey Serin. I'm sure none of your potential customers will find that, even though you're just as much in the free-blogosphere as Nigel. Phew, that's some list of blogs.
Albert Einstein, the great mathematician, had some good advice for today’s home buyersYes, that Albert Einstein was one GREAT mathmatician wasn't he. Boy, what he did with fractions and integers was something else. Long division will never be the same.
With expanding populations, land is becoming scarce.Uh oh, someone else apparently graduated from the Nigel Swaby of Paraphrasing NAR Mantra. Oh snap, they have a company song:
However, since we depend on many different trades, suppliers, and inspectors, and build out in the elements, there are things beyond our control that may affect these dates; for example: labor and material shortages, back-ordered components, city inspection backlogs, and inclement weather.Wow, catchy compelling stuff. Good luck with the joy that Nigel's endless quest for attention and an online reputation brings you.
In the event of a delay, we will notify you as soon as we become informed.
This isn't a tired motto, or a half-hearted attempt. It's more than a mission statement, more than a goal. This is our song.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
9:13 AM
Labels: brokertard, gold medallion homes, nigel swaby
Friday, May 11, 2007
Well, you take about a week off from the soap opera and come back to find not much has changed. The train is still chuggling along on it's inevitable course with destiny and I get the sense that like me, people care less and less.
Casey chimes in a stupid troll post about what poor, dear little Galina thinks of him. What surprises me about this, maybe it's from a bit of a break, is the amount of sympathy Galina still receives from the audience.
We know Casey is bound for more failure, once a scammer always a scammer, but there's still some sympathy (now i didn't read through all the comments this time as my attention span grows shorter with this one.)
I think if there's hate left in this story it's for Trampolina. Casey is a buffoon, he's trying to hold out and make some money on the remnants of the fame that this situation has brought him. A pretty little girl like her could get a decent paying job as a receptionist, get some skills and have some opportunities open up for her. Oh yeah, she's in her 7th year of 2 year AA degree, don't think she'll get up off her ass to pull a 9-5'er. Which is good for Casey, as I learned with my sister who didn't have much focus, she just did the receptionist thing got to office manager and found a salesman who frequented the office to marry her. Good thing she's cut from the same lazy cloth as Casey.
This is my first international media exposure. Being international is goodYes Casey, you're right up there with Richard Gere these days.
Earlier, Casey mentions about how he's "learning" about arbitrage and how much sense it makes to him on his road to passive income.
Lately I’ve been learning about arbitrage and how I can take advantage of it / apply it as an individual investor.
For example…. say I borrow 100K at 12% interest and reinvest it at 36%. That’s a sweet 2% monthly spread! So on a 100K I’d be making $2,000/month. Do that with half a million and you’re making $10,000 per month. Enough to retire on.
Oh this is just too absurd to even warrant a response.

Casey might still end up facing charges or civil suits, both of which I wouldn't shed a tear about, but months from now, I suspect none of us will be here to see the end game.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
8:40 PM
Labels: casey serin, fliptard, fliptardette, scam
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Tip O' the Hat, Wag O' the Finger
Tip O' the Hat:
Serinity Now! Excellent post on Serintology to be read at -Insert Clever Title Here-
Wag Of The Finger:
Nigel Swaby, while he's apparently testing content for the Foreclosure Avoiders site, posted a verbose post on how not to make Mortgage Mistakes, which is here.
Using the excellent new Nigel Swaby Word-O-Meter found at Foreclosure Avoiders Ruined My Life, we find that Nigel uses an astounding 913 words (not including title) to basically say very little.
It was one of Nigel's most boring reads ever without any real substance (I was shocked too). Apparently Nigel has been spanked so much on his lack of Economic knowledge that he's going to try to just through random "math-like" content in his posts in the hopes that someone will think there's substance there.
After reading the post that Nigel cited, I can sum it up I think in 2 bullet points:
- You're an idiot if you don't read/research what you're about to sign
- Don't trust mortgage brokers
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
3:57 PM
Labels: exurban nation, nigel swaby, nigel swaby isn't very smart
Friday, May 4, 2007
The Idea Guy, Brainstorming Session and THE PLAN
As hard it is getting to read Casey's posts lately I think there are some interesting things that are in the latest (in between all the obvious Haterz Baiting):
I’m looking for ideas, contacts and resources to develop this foreclosure blog further. Namely if you have a product or service that can help people in foreclosure or those looking to buy foreclosures, feel free to contact me. I want to review your foreclosure related product and interview you on this blog. I’m still looking for advertisers and sponsors.Blah, blah, blah. So much for the "idea guy" thing. Casey's idea is still to take naps and see what type of low-lifes approach him. But wait, hold on... I THINK THERE'S AN ACTUAL IDEA here...
Casey wants to turn his blog into some sort of blogfomercial for bottom-feeding Foreclosure Avoidance Industry (for more information on Foreclosure Avoiders, don't forget to visit the gem of the industry... not this dreg of a site).
I want to review your foreclosure related product and interview you on this blog.For a fee? So let's see, what would a Casey review look like? "YEP! This sure would have helped me avoid foreclosure, I endorse it.... wait, I think THIS would help me too, I endorse it...Boy THIS one sure would have helped me avoid disaster too, I endorse this too!!!!!"
I don't really think Casey believes he has credibility in this world, some call him separated from reality, but I don't agree. Casey Serin, in his heart knows he's outside the world of legitimacy and will never be embraced by "real business." So his last avenue, the get-rich-quick "real estate with no money down" can't use him as an avenue for exposure....well, since he admitted spending 30k and failing miserably, so where else can he turn in this last gasp? The lowlifes who will try to get money from people as dumb as Casey himself.
Casey, I know you're a web designer/developer/aspiring web journalist (oops), but you fail to miss why blogs and social media work, its for some raw honesty, opinions and entertainment. The audience is as much a reason for any blog's success as the author, but as soon as you try to "monetize it" beyond ads, you're cooked. Can you imagine what would happen if Kos all of the sudden "endorsing" a candidate who paid him off? You get traffic because of your audience Casey. Since you stopped trying to be honest months ago, you don't really have many outs left other than the banner ads.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:06 PM
Labels: casey serin, failures, fliptard, ideas
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Economic Dart Theory 101
As presented by Nigel Swaby, soon to be ex-broker.
At the heart of the housing crash debate is whether jobs will remain readily available. Housing bears argue much of America relies on construction and housing related jobs that when that industry goes crashing down, the rest of the economy will follow.Ummm, I stumbled into the world of Serin starting at the sites that really matter to me in the housing bubble scenario, sites like The Housing Bubble Blog,, Immobilienblasen and others.
Now, on those sites there are some extreme bears, predicting another depression, etc. But there are also some very smart, insightful folks who clearly know a lot more about Economics than I do. Unless the drugs of my youth did a lot more damage than I thought, I don't recall the arguments of jobs as the linchpin for Real Estate. I think they are more often referred to as an indicator (lagging?) of the overall health of the economy. I believe some have referred to jobs in construction as an indicator of what's to come in housing.
Nigel seems to be once again inventing his own theories of economics? Maybe i'm wrong, but most of the posts/comments I see on the bearish sites revolve around the lack of affordability in housing in relation to average wages. Most people tend to cite things like historical norms of prices to income rations and all that stuff that requires charts with points and stuff.
In the face of a cooling housing market, the fact wages are rising and jobs are plentiful doesn't make me worry about a housing crash. In fact, temporarily lower housing prices will create a positive mindset for families who want to own a home more than ever.Hate to tell you Swabby, you should be worried, unless you're really already out of the Broker business. The past few years consisted of fliptards like Casey artificially running up home prices to unsustainable prices. Something like 25-40% of sales were to investors/speculators in that time period... that is unless tons of people all of the sudden bought vacation homes. The buyers weren't even real, now many people who got caught in the hysteria are facing steep ARM resets over the next couple years.
Before that, the Fed stopped house prices from starting to correct with all the interest rate drops.
I know you really don't believe that "temporary drop" mess, it was a bubble and maybe in a year or two it will be time to start looking, but can the glut of mortgage brokers and realtors survive that long? I doubt it.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
8:26 PM
Labels: brokertard, economics, nigel swaby, nigel swaby isn't very smart
Our Fine Media At Work
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A real estate investment scheme that has left many Elk Grove homes in foreclosure is now contributing to falling property values in the area, a KCRA 3 investigation has found.Well, hopefully this attention will get the "authorities" to crack down on scam artists like this and Casey.
KCRA 3 earlier this week uncovered that a group of loan officers and mortgage brokers lied on loan applications to qualify investors for a total for more than $9 million in loans that the investors could not afford.
The investigation exposed how Jim Martin and his business partners at VFM Investment Group falsified loan applications and listed investors as employees of the company in an attempt to defraud lenders out of millions of dollars.
Hell, this makes Casey the king fliptard, it took a crew of many to get 9 million in fradulent loans, it took just one Casey Serin to get 2.2.
Congratulations Casey and our fine media for finally finding that needle in a haystack that is mortgage fraud.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
6:16 PM
Labels: casey serin, fliptard, fraud, sweet media
Fun With Downtime: Brokerback Mountain
Jeez, poor Casey just can't seem to avoid Nigel and his attempts to get a piece of the spotlight. Attention on the web is apparently really hard to quit.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
5:56 PM
Labels: brokertard, casey serin, fliptard, linktard, nigel swaby
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Casey Serin Scam Archive: Did This One Start It All?
If you have links to add to the archive, please share them in comments. I think the more places Casey's history is revealed, the better.
This is the first one I know of, which still shows up in Google Group Search:
From: "Aleksey Serin"
Date: 1997/02/08
Subject: $$FAST-N-EASEY CASH$$ NO risk, NOT a scam!!
I make money easily and legally.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Do you want to make a lot of money
If so read on. This really works.
(This article is adapted from D.LAPARA, yes, I sent $1 to everyone
listed, but it will take from 2 to 4 days.)
This opportunity really works.It works because of basic math and
statistical principles. Further, it is far more profitable for all
involved.Read on. See how it works.
"As you most probably have seen, the latest opportunity to make lots of
money is sweeping the internet. If you want to partake in a perfectly
legal opportunity to make up to $50,000 in 4 to 6 weeksread on. skeptics
keep reading. Keep an open mind. You're intelligent if your skeptical.
This process works because of the formula. The formula will make this
This article will explain how to go about getting involved. If you
already know and just want to use the addresses please do. Those of you
who are new and have a mere $5.00 to invest read this entire article
I am just an average person who enjoys the internet,and making money.
For months now I have been bombarded with this quick money making
opportunity and have always passed this off as being a scam.
Now I find that I really could use the money and it will be fun too. So
I said to myself even if it is a scam all I lost was $5, 5 envelopes
and postage.I can cover that, and if it works, my life will be a lot
better off.
So lets begin...
Print this article now so you can refer to it as needed. What you need
to do is send $1 to each of the 5 addresses listed below ( US Currency
only ).
Get five pieces of paper and on each one write: PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR
MAILING LIST,YOU ARE NUMBER X (Their number in this article). Fold the
paper around the $1 bill in each of those letters so that they cannot be
seen if the letter is held up to the light.
Mail each letter with this comment and the $1 to the following five
1. Waters, 768A Main St. Lykens,PA 17048
2. D.L. Strom, 1102 E. Main St. Belleville,IL 62220-3908
3. D. Lapara, 12165 Germain Charland, Montreal,Canada, H1E 6S6
4. R.Knowles, 1159 willowbend cir. #4, Colorado Springs, CO. 80918
5. Casey Serin, 8954 Phoenix Ave, Fair Oaks, CA 95628
You then place YOUR NAME at the # 5 slot and move everybody up one (ie #
5 becomes # 4, # 4 becomes # 3 and so on. The # 1 listed in this article
will be removed completely because they have already been through the
Now post the article to 200 newsgroups minimum, but the more you post the
more$$$$ you get.
( instructions will follow on how to post).Thats all there is folks. No
kidding!! Now within
7 days you will start getting money in the mail. It is shocking.
I still can't believe it.
Out of every 200 postings, lets say I only receive 5 replies ( which is
very low).
So that means I made $5 when my name was #5. Hey, I broke even. Now say
each of those five people post to 200 newsgroups, now with your name at
#4, which is a total of 1,000 postings, excluding your 200. At the same
time 50 people now send you $1.Another free $50!! Then these 50 people
each post to 200 newsgroups with your name at #3, thats 10,000 postings!
Average return is 500 at $1 each= $500 for you.Those people make 200
postings each which leads to $5000. And finally 5000 people make 200
$50,000!!!!!! Now yourname drops off the list.
This is the results if only 5 people respond to each 200 posting. If
everyone posted to more than 200 who knows what the potential could be.
So have fun and be honest. Remember, even if you get nothing, you are
only out 5 bucks plus postage.And as the old saying goes..." You can't
win if you don't play".
Mind you it will only work if you follow the instructions exactly.If you
put your name on the list without sending the money,you will not see any
significant results. By sending the money you are distributing your name
to those already in the cycle who then may chose your name when they
start a new cycle with 5 new random names. If you are honest then you
will be rewarded.
1.Click on any newsgroup like you usually would,then click on "TO:NEWS"
in upper right hand corner. This will bring up a message to type this
article in.
2.Leave the message box the way it is don't maximize it.
3.In subject box type something flashy like $$$CASH READ HERE$$$
4.Tab once and you are ready to type in the body of the box.Retype this
article with your name inserted in the #5 slot and the others moved up
as directed earlier. Remember the #1 in this article will be removed in
5.When you are done retyping this whole article with the proper changes
click on FILE in this message box(right above send) click on SAVE AS
under FILE (make sure your in the newsgroup message window,not where it
says Netscape News) Save your file as a text file to your C: or A:
next step.
6.To post to at least 200 newsgroups do the following.You can post to
more which will bring you more money but 200 is the bare minimum. Go to
a newsgroup you want to post in. Click on "TO NEWS".Write your subject
just like you did when you retyped this article. Hit tab once.
Now click ATTACHMENT another box pops up. Find your file where you saved
it highlight the file and click "OPEN". Now click OK. If you did this
right you should see the file name in the ATTACHMENTS box in shaded
7.NOW JUST CLICK SEND. Do this to at least 200 newsgroups (there are
over 18,000) Each time it takes no more than 30 seconds so once you
have retyped the article its easy.
1. Holding down the left mouse button,highlight this article. Then press
"CRTL" key and "C" at same time to copy this article.
2. Print this article for reference.
3. Go to newsgroups and press "POST AN ARTICLE",a window will open type
your headline in the subject area and click in the large window below.
4. Press "CRTL" and "V" and the article will be placed in the window.
If you want to edit the article,do so and then highlight and copy it
again. Now every time you want to post the article in a new newsgroup
just do the "CRTL" and "V" command and press POST.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
8:21 PM
Labels: casey serin, casey serin scam archive, fliptard, fraud
Back to Nickel and Diming It....
The good news is that like the bubble popping, we're approaching the end of Casey's infamy...
It's not even worth getting riled up anymore about taking a vacation from napping...
Casey's future at this point is set... I think he honestly believes his site is a commodity and membership might have its priviledges:
To expedite the approval process you can "bribe" me with a donation of $10 or more via PayPal. Use the DONATE button in the sidebar to pay securely with a credit card. Donations will be used toward building this into a foreclosure help site and help me pay off my debt.All hating aside, Casey is convinced the traffic to his site is about him... it's not, it's for the commenters. He can't do advertising, because people will just slam his ads with click after click and shut that avenue down.
There's no legit company that would want to sponsor him or get involved with him as he's been exposed as a fraudster and get-rich-quick wannabe.
So what's left? Thinking people would sign up for the honor of real-time commenting on a blog? I think you've totally missed the point of the social web. Good luck with that kid. I think we'll hear the final gasp at a hare-brained scheme with some sketchy company and it'll just die a slow death from there.
I think I might just archive-post all of Casey's know scams, not that it hasn't been done before, but the more this guy's name is associated with scams the better off the world will be. If you know of links to them, let me know I think it might be a good idea to have this stuff in as many places as possible.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
8:19 PM
Labels: bubble, casey, casey serin, failures, fliptard, fliptardette, fraud, serin
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Link First, Ask Questions Later
Someone at the Milk This Bubble As Long As We Can must have finally sent Nigel the latest Talking Points memo. In this latest post, Nigel dumbtificates about FHA loans and their "problems."
A couple of paraphrased gems from the Master of the Obvious. First we must wade through the typical Nigel fluff pulled directly from Boringapedia. So after the first few paragraphs where Nigel changes a few words of a generic description he goes into the "problems."
However, these liberal guidelines come with a price and with FHA, it's called mortgage insurance. MI protects the lender to 20% should a borrower default on their loan.Yeah, heaven forbid there are things in place if a borrower isn't responsible enough to save a large downpayment or might be a credit risk.
The second problem with FHA loans involves the approval process and documentation. One qualifies for FHA mortgages much like a conventional loan which requires two years on the job (or in the same field), tax returns and financial reserves. There are no stated income FHA loans and no interest only either.Yes, ALL THESE THINGS SOUND HORRIBLE. The last thing we need is more qualified borrowers in the housing market, these people might actually want to negotiate and junk like that. This statement reinforces my belief on the quality of mortgages the Swabtard might have been involved with.
FHA mortgage products are a welcome part of the home financing opportunity and should be looked at closely before entertaining other types of non-conventional financing.Hmmmm... it almost sounds like we're now dismissing these FHA loans and still thinking about, you know, possibly pushing more junk 100% loans. All in all, it's a pretty typical bland post from Nigel... but I did recall a previous Nigel mention about FHA loans...
Was it this one? That bottle sure makes it look good...
This is great news for first time home buyers...I'm not sure, let me Google this... HOLY CRAP! Nigel sure was busy linkwhoring, Business Week about the FHA. Blah.
Fortunately, the FHA has an awesome ARM which goes both ways and it can only adjust once a year and has a reasonable cap rate.I do get the sense that Nigel, in his own way, is trying to finally detach himself from the Casey drama, but in my mind he and Casey are still representative samples of what went wrong in Real Estate in the past 5 or so years.
Any bets on when Nigel's done with Real Estate and starts working on this winner he's been keeping in his back pocket?
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
7:17 PM
Labels: fliptard, fliptardette, linktard, nigel swaby, nigel swaby isn't very smart
Casey's New Mentors
Whee, the post is back and edited! Good to see Casey starting to set his sites on something he can truly achieve. Failure.
Sidewalk Foreclosure Avoiders
- Cops hassling you to move?
- Stinky Steve sneaking your best boxes away?
- Need to pimp that grocery cart?
At least Casey's new mentors are cheaper and have better life experience than the last scams he fell for.
Posted by
Nigel's Guest Blogger
8:18 AM
Labels: casey, failures, fliptard, fliptardette, serin, trampolina